2016级环境科学班班主任——石金辉 |
发布时间:2017-09-25 [
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基本资料: 石金辉,女,博士,教授,硕士生导师 通信地址:山东省青岛市松岭路238号9728太阳集团 邮编:266100 Tel:+86-532-66782823 Email:engroup@ouc.edu.cn 工作经历: 1994,07-2000,11青岛化工学院应用化学系,助教、讲师 2000,12-2002,11青岛海洋大学环境科学研究院,讲师 2002,12-2012,119728太阳集团,副教授 2012.12-至今9728太阳集团,教授 教育背景: 1987.09-1991.07:华东化工学院,环境工程,工学学士; 1991.09-1994.07:青岛化工学院,分析化学,理学硕士; 2003.09-2011.06:中国海洋大学,环境科学,工学博士 教学工作: 讲授《仪器分析》、《仪器分析实验》、《环境海洋学》等本科生课程;讲授《现代仪器分析》和《环境海洋学》等硕士生课程。 科研兴趣: Ø大气氮沉降对海洋生态系统影响 Ø大气气溶胶中微量元素的溶解性及其控制因子 Ø沙尘沉降及海洋生物的响应 科研项目:
学术兼职: Ø中国环境科学学会海洋环境保护专业委员会会员 Ø中国海洋与湖沼学会水环境分会会员 Ø山东省环境科学学会会员 招生计划: 每年拟招收2名硕士研究生,欢迎有志于大气和海洋环境科学研究的同学联系报考。 代表性期刊论文: 1.Shi Jin-hui*, Hui-wang Gao, Jing Zhang, Sai-Chun Tan, Jing-Ling Ren, Cheng-Gang Liu, Ying Liu and Xiaohong Yao, 2012. Examination of causative link between a spring bloom and dry/wet deposition of Asian dust in the Yellow Sea, China, Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, D17304, doi:10.1029/2012JD017983.(SCI二区) 2.Shi Jin-hui*, Hui-wang Gao, Jian-hua Qi, Jing Zhang and Xiao-hong Yao, 2010. Sources, compositions, and distributions of water‐soluble organic nitrogen in aerosols over the China Sea, Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, D17303, doi:10.1029/2009JD 013238.(SCI二区) 3.Shi Jin-hui*, Jing Zhang, Hui-Wang Gao, Sai-Chun Tan, Xiaohong Yao and Jing-Ling Ren, 2013. Concentration, solubility and deposition flux of atmospheric particulate nutrients over the Yellow Sea, Deep Sea Research II, 97: 43–50. (SCI三区) 4.Liu Y., T. R. Zhang, J. H. Shi*, H. W. Gao, X. H. Yao*, 2014. Responses of chlorophyll a to added nutrients, Asian dust and rainwater in an oligotrophic zone of the Yellow Sea: Implications for promotion and inhibition effects in an incubation experiment, Journal of Geophysical Research, doi: 10.1002/2013JG002329.(SCI二区) 5.Zhang T.R. , J.H. Shi*, H.W. Gao, J. Zhang and X.H. Yao,* 2013. Impact of source and atmospheric processing on Fe solubility in aerosols over the Yellow Sea, China. Atmospheric Environment, 75: 249-256.(SCI二区) 6.Wang L., J.H. Qi, J.H. Shi, X.J. Chen and H.W. Gao, 2013. Source apportionment of particulate pollutants in the atmosphere over the Northern Yellow Sea, Atmospheric Environment, 70: 425-434.(SCI二区) 7.Tan S.C., G.Y. Shi, J.H. Shi, H.W. Gao, and X.H. Yao, 2011. Correlation of Asian dust with chlorophyll and primary productivity in the coastal seas of China during the period from 1998 to 2008, Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, G02029, doi:10.1029/2010JG001456. (SCI二区) 8.Ren J.L., G.L Zhang, J Zhang, J.H. Shi, S.M. Liu, F.M. Li, J. Jin, C.G. Liu, 2011. Distribution of dissolved aluminum in the Southern Yellow Sea: Influences of a dust storm and the spring bloom, Marine Chemistry, doi:10.1016/j.marchem.2011.02.004. (SCI二区) 9.Gao H.W., J. Chen, B. Wang, S.C. Tan, C. M. Lee, X.H. Yao, H. Yan, J.H. Shi, 2011. A study of air pollution of city clusters, Atmospheric Environment, ATMENV-D-10-01342. (SCI二区) 10.陈诚诚,石金辉*,周冰,姚小红,刘素美,2013.东海大气气溶胶中二元羧酸的分布特征及来源,环境科学学报,33(9): 2378-2387 11.李非非,石金辉*,李丽平,姚小红,高会旺,2013.青岛大气中HNO3、HNO2和NH3的浓度及其影响因素,环境科学学报,33(10): 2671-2678 12.李瑞芃,石金辉*,张代洲,2012.天气条件及气团来源对青岛春季大气颗粒物数浓度谱分布的影响,中国环境科学,32(8):1392-1399 13.石金辉*,李瑞芃,祁建华,高会旺,2012.青岛大气气溶胶中游离氨基化合物的浓度、组成和来源,环境科学学报,32(2):377-385 14.石金辉*,张云,高会旺,张经,2011.东海大气气溶胶的化学特征及来源, 环境科学学报,31(8):1750-1757 15.石金辉*,韩静,范得国,祈建华,高会旺,2011.青岛大气气溶胶中水溶性有机氮对总氮的贡献,环境科学,32(1):1-8 16.石金辉*,张云,李瑞芃,高会旺,张经,2010.东海大气气溶胶中无机氮组分的分布特征, 环境科学, 31(12): 2835-2843 17.石金辉*,范得国,韩静,张云,祁建华,高会旺,2010.青岛大气气溶胶中氨基化合物的分布特征, 环境科学, 31(11): 2547-2554 |